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- Call for Papers: Special Session on Evolution of Social Networks (ESN 2012)Call for Papers: Special Session on Evolution of Social Networks (ESN 2012)
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- Call For Papers: International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications (Complex Networks 2012)
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Tag Archives: Social and Ethical Issues
Call For Papers: The 2012 International Workshop on Social Computing, Network, and Services (SocialComNet 2012)
** Important Notices ** 1. Submission due: Jan. 15, 2012 2. All accepted papers will be published in the Springer CCIS proceedings (EI and ISTP), which will be indexed by the following services: EI Compendex(Since 2010), ISI Conference Proceedings Citation … Continue reading
Posted in Conferences
Tagged Cloud Computing, Collaborative filtering, Context Sharing, Networked World, Privacy, Security, SNA, Social and Ethical Issues, Social Behavior Modeling, Social Cognition, Social Computing, Social Computing Services, Social Computing Theories, Social Intelligence, Social Marketing, Social Media, Social Media Business Models, Social Network Analysis, Social Networks, Social Recommender Systems, Trust
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