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- Call for Papers: Special Session on Evolution of Social Networks (ESN 2012)Call for Papers: Special Session on Evolution of Social Networks (ESN 2012)
- Call For Papers: Fourth International Conference on Computational Aspects of Social Networks (CASoN 2012)
- Call For Papers: International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications (Complex Networks 2012)
- Call For Papers: SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Location-Based Social Networks (LBSN 2012)
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Tag Archives: Reality Mining
Call For Papers: International Conference on Social Media and Cloud Computing (ICSMCC 2012)Call For Papers: International Conference on Social Media and Cloud Computing (ICSMCC 2012)
ICSMCC 2012 : International Conference on Social Media and Cloud Computing Bali, Indonesia October 24-26, 2012 The VIII. International Conference on Social Media and Cloud Computing is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in … Continue reading
Posted in Conferences
Tagged 2012, Artificial intelligence, Business Clouds, Cloud Computing, Collaborative filtering, Communities identification, Community media, Computational Linguistics, Conference, Cultural Dynamics, Data Mining, Emotional Intelligence, Expertise and authority discovery, Human-Computer Interaction, Influence Process, Information Retrieval, Interface Design, Machine Learning, Mobile Social, NLP, Opinion Representation, Political Networks, Political Science, Privacy, Psychology, Ranking, Reality Mining, Risk Security in Social Contexts, SNA, Social Behavior Modeling, Social Computing, Social Computing Applications, Social Computing Theories, Social Intelligence and Social Cognition, Social Media Analytics and Social Media Intelligence, Social Network Analysis, Social Networking Sites, Social Networks, Social semantic web, Social Signal Processing, Social System Design and Architectures, Sociology, Text categorization, Text Mining, Topic recognition, Trust, Virtualization of Software Resources
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Call For Papers: Social Media and Web Science – Das Web als Lebensraum (DGI 2012)
Das noch immer wachsende Angebot an Social Media und Social Software hat längst dazu geführt, dass sich immer mehr Bereiche des täglichen Lebens (auch) ins World Wide Web verlagern. Das Web ist damit weit mehr als ein technisches Hilfsmittel zur … Continue reading
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Tagged Accessibility, Adds, Cybercrime, eActivism, eDemocracy, eGovernance, eGovernment, eLearning, Emotions in web, eProtest, Identity Management, Linked Data, Location Based, Mobiles Web, Open Data, Open Source Intelligence, Political Networks, Privacy, Reality Mining, Risk Security in Social Contexts, Serious Games, Social Analytics, Social Communities, Social search, Social semantic web, Social Software, Social tagging, Social Web, Trust, Usability, Web 2.0
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Call for Papers: The Third IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom-2011)Call for Papers: The Third IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom-2011)
Introduction Social Computing can be broadly defined as computational facilitation of social studies and human social dynamics as well as design and use of information and communication technologies that consider social context. Social computing has recently become one of the … Continue reading
Posted in Conferences
Tagged Cultural Dynamics, Emotional Intelligence, Influence Process, Mobile Social, Opinion Representation, Privacy, Reality Mining, Risk Security in Social Contexts, Semantic Web, Social Behavior Modeling, Social Computing Theories, Social Intelligence and Social Cognition, Social Media Analytics and Social Media Intelligence, Social Networks, Social Signal Processing, Social System Design and Architectures, Trust
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