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Tag Archives: distributed databases
Call For Papers: Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks Journal (PDCN 2011)
This is an interdisciplinary journal covering all areas of parallel processing and/or distributed computing and networks that apply to the engineering and computer technology communities. The interdisciplinary approach of the publication ensures that the editors draw from researchers worldwide in … Continue reading →
Posted in Conferences
Tagged algorithms, broadband networks, Cloud Computing, cluster computing, compilers, Data Mining, data warehousing, distributed databases, distributed knowledge-based systems, distributed multimedia, distributed programming, distributed real-time systems, fault tolerance, grid computing, heterogeneous computing, high performance computing, interconnection networks, Internet tools, Journal, many-core computing, memory and I/O systems, mobile computing, modelling and simulation, multi-core computing, operating systems, parallel computing systems, parallel processing and programming, Performance evaluation, personal computing, planning protocols, real-time and embedded systems, reliability, resource allocation, reusability, routing, scheduling, supercomputing, Web technologies, wireless networks
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