Call For Papers: ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology – Special Issue on Semantic Adaptive Social Web (TIST-SI-SASWeb 2012)Call For Papers: ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology – Special Issue on Semantic Adaptive Social Web (TIST-SI-SASWeb 2012)

1. Overview

Social Web is growing daily, together with the number of users and applications. Users generate a significant part of Web content and traffic: they create, connect, comment, tag, rate, remix, upload/download, new or existing resources in an architecture of participation, where user contribution and interaction add value. Users are also involved in a broad range of social activities like creating friendship relationships, recommending and sharing resources, suggesting friends, creating groups and communities, commenting friends activities and profiles and so on.

At the same time, Semantic Web, whose main goal is to describe Web resources in a way that allows machines to understand and process them, has started to go out from academies and begins to be massively exploited in many web sites, incorporating high-quality user contributed content and semantic annotations using Internet-based services as an enabling platform.

The recent advances in the Semantic Web area, and specifically the widespread use of weak semantic techniques (the so-called ‘lowercase’ semantic web), such as the use of microformats (e.g. eRDF, RDFa) to attach semantics to content, also provide new standardized ways to process and share information. This approach allows information intended for end-users (such as contact informationgeographic coordinates, calendar events, …) to also be automatically processed by machines, and this obviates other more complicated methods of processing, such as natural language processing or screen scraping.

The primary goal of this special issue is to showcase cutting edge research on the intersection of Social Web and Semantic Web, in order to analyze the benefits adaptation and personalization have to offer in the Web of the future, the so-called Social Semantic Web.

We are particularly interested in system-oriented papers, in which the approaches are accompanied by an in-depth experimental evaluation.

2. Topics

Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:

  • The impact of Social Web on Semantic Web, and viceversa
  • Applications and tools using Social Semantic Web technologies
  • Emerging semantic platforms for the Social Semantic Web
  • Enriching Social Web with semantic data: weak semantic techniques, microformats and other approaches
  • Folksonomies vs Ontologies
  • Novel approaches and/or systems combining semantic, social and adaptive aspects
  • Adaptation, personalization, recommendation models and goals in the Social Semantic Web
  • Reasoning in the Social Semantic Web
  • Novel trust and reputation models
  • Social navigation support, social search and semantic browsing
  • Semantic Mashups
  • User studies and novel metrics for evaluating Social Semantic Web applications
  • Querying and mining Social Semantic Web data

3. Tentative Schedule

Full paper submission: September 30, 2011

Review decision notification: December, 22 2011

Final manuscript: February 6, 2012

4. Submissions guidelines

Manuscripts submitted to the special issue should contain original material not published in nor submitted to other journals. Each paper will be reviewed by at least three expert reviewers. Papers which do not meet publication quality standards, or does not pass the editorial assessment of suitability of this special issue will be rejected before the review process.

Full papers should be sent via on-line submission system at (please select “Special Issue: Semantic Adaptive Social Web” as the manuscript type). Details of the journal and manuscript preparation are available on the ACM TIST Website at

5. Guest Editors

Federica Cena

Department of Computer Science – University of Turin, Italy

Web site:

E-mail: cena(at)di(dot)unito(dot)it

Antonina Dattolo

Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica – University of Udine, Italy

Web site:

E-mail: antonina(dot)dattolo(at)uniud(dot)it


Pasquale Lops

Department of Computer Science – University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy

Web site:

E-mail: lops(at)di(dot)uniba(dot)it

Julita Vassileva

Department of Computer Science – University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Web site:

E-mail: jiv(at)cs(dot)usask(dot)ca

1. Overview

Social Web is growing daily, together with the number of users and applications. Users generate a significant part of Web content and traffic: they create, connect, comment, tag, rate, remix, upload/download, new or existing resources in an architecture of participation, where user contribution and interaction add value. Users are also involved in a broad range of social activities like creating friendship relationships, recommending and sharing resources, suggesting friends, creating groups and communities, commenting friends activities and profiles and so on.

At the same time, Semantic Web, whose main goal is to describe Web resources in a way that allows machines to understand and process them, has started to go out from academies and begins to be massively exploited in many web sites, incorporating high-quality user contributed content and semantic annotations using Internet-based services as an enabling platform.

The recent advances in the Semantic Web area, and specifically the widespread use of weak semantic techniques (the so-called ‘lowercase’ semantic web), such as the use of microformats (e.g. eRDF, RDFa) to attach semantics to content, also provide new standardized ways to process and share information. This approach allows information intended for end-users (such as contact information, geographic coordinates, calendar events, …) to also be automatically processed by machines, and this obviates other more complicated methods of processing, such as natural language processing or screen scraping.

The primary goal of this special issue is to showcase cutting edge research on the intersection of Social Web and Semantic Web, in order to analyze the benefits adaptation and personalization have to offer in the Web of the future, the so-called Social Semantic Web.

We are particularly interested in system-oriented papers, in which the approaches are accompanied by an in-depth experimental evaluation.

2. Topics

Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:

  • The impact of Social Web on Semantic Web, and viceversa
  • Applications and tools using Social Semantic Web technologies
  • Emerging semantic platforms for the Social Semantic Web
  • Enriching Social Web with semantic data: weak semantic techniques, microformats and other approaches
  • Folksonomies vs Ontologies
  • Novel approaches and/or systems combining semantic, social and adaptive aspects
  • Adaptation, personalization, recommendation models and goals in the Social Semantic Web
  • Reasoning in the Social Semantic Web
  • Novel trust and reputation models
  • Social navigation support, social search and semantic browsing
  • Semantic Mashups
  • User studies and novel metrics for evaluating Social Semantic Web applications
  • Querying and mining Social Semantic Web data

3. Tentative Schedule

Full paper submission: September 30, 2011

Review decision notification: December, 22 2011

Final manuscript: February 6, 2012

4. Submissions guidelines

Manuscripts submitted to the special issue should contain original material not published in nor submitted to other journals. Each paper will be reviewed by at least three expert reviewers. Papers which do not meet publication quality standards, or does not pass the editorial assessment of suitability of this special issue will be rejected before the review process.

Full papers should be sent via on-line submission system at (please select “Special Issue: Semantic Adaptive Social Web” as the manuscript type). Details of the journal and manuscript preparation are available on the ACM TIST Website at

5. Guest Editors

Federica Cena

Department of Computer Science – University of Turin, Italy

Web site:

E-mail: cena(at)di(dot)unito(dot)it

Antonina Dattolo

Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica – University of Udine, Italy

Web site:

E-mail: antonina(dot)dattolo(at)uniud(dot)it


Pasquale Lops

Department of Computer Science – University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy

Web site:

E-mail: lops(at)di(dot)uniba(dot)it

Julita Vassileva

Department of Computer Science – University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Web site:

E-mail: jiv(at)cs(dot)usask(dot)ca

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