Call For Papers: Machine Learning Journal Special Issue on Computational Social Science and Social Computing (MLJ – CSSSC 2012)

Computational social science is an emerging academic research area at the intersection of computer science, statistics, and the social sciences, in which quantitative methods and computational tools are used to identify and answer social science questions. The field is driven by new sources of data from the Internet, sensor networks, government databases, crowdsourcing systems, and more, as well as by recent advances in computational modeling, machine learning, statistics, and social network analysis.

The related research area of social computing deals with the mechanisms through which people interact with computational systems, examining how and why people contribute user-generated content. Examples of social computing systems include prediction markets, reputation systems, and collaborative filtering systems, all designed with the intent of capturing the wisdom of crowds.

Machine learning plays in important role in both of these areas. For this special issue, we invite high quality submissions on work at the intersection of machine learning and any aspect(s) of social computing or computational social science, including but not limited to:

* Automatic aggregation of opinions or knowledge
* Incentives in social computation (e.g., game-theoretic approaches)
* Prediction markets / information markets
* Studies of events and trends (e.g., in politics)
* Quality control and reputation mechanisms for user generated content
* Analysis of and experiments on distributed collaboration and consensus-building, including crowdsourcing (e.g., Mechanical Turk) and peer-production systems (e.g., Wikipedia and Yahoo! Answers)
* Group dynamics and decision-making
* Modeling network-interaction content (e.g., text analysis of blog posts, tweets, emails, chats, etc.)
* Social networks
* Games with a purpose


Authors are encouraged to submit high-quality, original work that has not appeared in other journals, nor is under consideration by other journals. Submissions and reviewing will be handled electronically using the standard procedures for Machine Learning Journal.


Deadline for submissions: August 1, 2012
Notification to authors: January 15, 2013
Revisions due: April 15, 2013


Winter Mason, Stevens Institute of Technology
Jennifer Wortman Vaughan, UCLA
Hanna Wallach, University of Massachusetts Amherst

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Call For Papers: 2nd Workshop on Analyzing and Improving Collaborative eScience with Social Networks (eSoN 2012)

Social networking is profoundly changing the way that people communicate and interact on a daily basis. As eScience is inherently collaborative, social networks can serve as a vital means for supporting information and resource sharing, aiding discovery of connected researchers, improving communication between globally dispersed individuals, and even measuring scientific impact. Consequently, eScience systems are increasingly integrating social networking concepts to improve collaboration. For example, researcher profiles and groups exist in publication networks, such as Google scholar and Mendeley, and eScience infrastructures, such as MyExperiment, NanoHUB and GlobusOnline all utilize social networking principles to enhance scientific collaboration. In addition to incorporating explicit social networks, eScience infrastructures can also leverage implicit social networks extracted from relationships expressed in collaborative activities (e.g. publication authorship or citation networks).

This workshop aims to bring together researchers from a diverse range of areas to establish a new community focused on the application of social networking to analyze and improve scientific collaboration. There are two complementary areas of focus for this workshop 1) how to efficiently share information, infrastructure and software resources, such as data and tools through social networks, and 2) how to analyze and enhance scientific collaboration through implicit and explicit social networks, for example analyzing scientific impact through citation networks or improving collaboration by associating data and tools with networks of publications and researchers.

The topics of interest are, but not limited to, the use of social networks to analyze and improve collaborative eScience:
• The use of social networks and social networking concepts in eScience
• Social network applications used for eScience
• Social network based resource sharing and collaboration architectures
• New forms of collaborative computing and resource sharing
• Crowdsourcing of scientific applications using social media
• Social Cloud computing
• Novel applications of digital relationships and trust
• Definition of novel principals, models and methodologies for harnessing digital relationships
• Extraction of implicit social networks from scientific activities (e.g. publication, citation and grants)
• Analysis of collaborative scientific activity through social networks

Authors are invited to submit papers containing unpublished, original work (not under review elsewhere) of up to 8 pages of double column text using single spaced 10 point size on 8.5 x 11 inch pages, as per IEEE 8.5 x 11 manuscript guidelines.
Templates are available from:
Authors should submit a PDF file that will print on a PostScript printer. Papers conforming to the above guidelines can be submitted through the workshop’s paper submission system:
At least one author of each accepted submission must attend the workshop and all workshop participants must pay the eScience 2012 registration fee. It is expected that all accepted papers will be published by the IEEE in the same volume as the main conference. All papers will be reviewed by an International Programme Committee (with a minimum of 3 reviews per paper). Papers submissions should be performed using the easychair system, by the date mentioned above.

• Kyle Chard, University of Chicago & Argonne National Laboratory, USA
• Tanu Malik, University of Chicago & Argonne National Laboratory, USA
• Simon Caton, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
• Wei Tan, IBM T.J. Watson Lab, USA


• Christine Borgman, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
• Ian Foster, University of Chicago & Argonne National Laboratory, USA
• Gerhard Klimeck, Purdue University, USA
• Omer Rana, Cardiff University, UK

• Kris Bubendorfer, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
• Junwei Cao, Tsinghua University, China
• Justin Cappos, Polytechnic Institute of New York, USA
• Jinjun Chen, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
• Mike Conlon, University of Florida, USA
• Roberta Cuel, University of Trento, Italy
• Roberto M Cesar jr, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
• Peter Komisarczuk, Thames Valley University, UK
• Nicolas Kourtellis, University of South Florida
• Paolo Missier, Newcastle University, UK
• Ioan Raicu, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
• Jianwu Wang, San Diego Supercomputer Center, USA
• Christof Weinhardt, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
• Wenjun Wu, Beihang University, China
• Lynn Zetner, Purdue University, USA
• Hui Zhang, Bejing University, China
• Jia Zhang, Northern Illinois University, USA

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Call For Papers: ACM/Springer Personal and Ubiquitous Computing SI on Cross-Community Mining (PUC SI 2012)

*Special Issue of*

*ACM/Springer Journal of “Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (PUC)”*

*on Cross-Community Mining*

People now live in heterogeneous social communities within cyber-physical spaces – both online communities and social networks where digital content is exchanged, and ad hoc physical communities

that exploit opportunistic relationships between pairs of networked devices to exchange content.
These communities have distinct technical features which lead to distinct kinds of interaction – such as patterns of comments and likes in online communities and co-location in ad hoc communities, or issues of friendship, trust and influence in online communities and social popularity and movement patterns in ad hoc communities.
Rather than viewing online communities and ad hoc communities as competing, we see them as complementary and suggest that cross-community mining (CCM) can connect these two communities by revealing hidden knowledge about the interplay between different communities and patterns of social interaction within and between them.
This theme issue of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing provides the opportunity for researchers and product developers to review and discuss the state-of-the-art and trends of CCM techniques and applications. Papers on theoretical, practical, methodological issues in Cross-Community Mining are welcome.

*Topics may include (but are not limited to):

 Inclusive Design Issues related to CCM
 Forming Online Communities with Knowledge from Ad hoc Community
 Enhancing Communications in Ad hoc Community with Online Community Knowledge
 Knowledge Integration/Transfer among Communities
 Infrastructure Support for CCM
(managing heterogeneous/multi-dimensional data, seamlessly switch among distinct communities, etc.)
 Evaluation Metrics for CCM

Manuscripts should be prepared and submitted by email to the Corresponding Guest Editor – Dr. Bin Guo. Please note in your cover letter the theme issue for which your submission is intended.
Note: Manuscripts must not have been previously published or be submitted for publication elsewhere. Each submitted manuscript must include title, names, authors’ affiliations, postal and email

addresses, an extended paper, and a list of keywords. For detailed format information, please refer to the author introduction at the PUC journal website:

*Guest Editors
Bin Guo (Corresponding Guest Editor)
Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Daqing Zhang
Institut TELECOM SudParis, France

Zhiwen Yu
Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Francisco Camara Pereira
Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, SMART/MIT

*Important Dates
Deadline for manuscript submission: 20 Jul., 2012.
Notification of acceptance: 20 Oct., 2012
Camera-ready final paper due: 20 Nov., 2012
Publication date: 1st Quarter, 2013(Tentative)

*Contact Information
Corresponding Guest Editor, Dr. Guo (

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Call For Papers: Special Issue on Social Media in Business and Education (SI-JEIM 2012)

Special issue call for papers from Journal of Enterprise Information Management

The Journal of Enterprise Information Management is seeking submissions

Dear Colleagues

The Journal of Enterprise Information Management (JEIM) invites submission of quality manuscripts for its Special Issue on Social Media in Business and Education.

JEIM strives to publish high quality articles of significant intellectual interest and commercial relevance to managers, consultants, lecturers and students operating within business enterprise environments. All papers submitted to JEIM are initially filtered by the Editor and then subjected to rigorous review by a team of qualified internationally acknowledged academics. JEIM now has a history of contributing to the normative literature, providing conceptual and practical insights and generating innovative ideas from recent research into organizational enterprise.

JEIM (ISSN#1741-0398) is currently in its 25th year of publication, is published and distributed six (6) printed issues a year by Emerald Group Publishing Ltd in UK. The journal aims to publish articles that will be of value and interest to business managers, consultants, teachers and students concerned with issues of enterprise and management. In all cases, the aim is to feature practical applications.

Special Issue Scope

The aim of the Special Edition is to explore Web 2.0 & Web 3.0 technologies, including Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Wikis and YouTube, etc, for business and education exploitation. The next generation of social media will involve social networking, document sharing, collaboration and interoperability. JEIM will consider evolving managerial, academic and pedagogical approaches and raise the profile of research in technology-enhanced applications; spread good practice in the use of Web 2.0 & Web 3.0 technologies for business and learning; and facilitate collaboration between practitioners, researchers, and policy makers.

To ensure that the JEIM has the most comprehensive, current and relevant coverage of all topics related to Social Media in Business and Education, we are inviting researchers and leading experts in their particular areas of research to contribute manuscripts that offer an in-depth discussion of the key issues, concepts and trends related to this special issue topic. All manuscripts should be formatted according to the submission guidelines.

Manuscripts for the Special Issue on Social Media in Business and Education will include, but are not limited to:

• Web 2.0 & Web 3.0 in business/education
• Enterprise 2.0
• Impact of Web 2.0 on organisational strategies
• e-Learning and Social Media
• Social Computing and social networks
• Facebook in business/education
• Micro-blogs and Twitter in business/education
• Wikis in business/education
• Blogs in business/education
• YouTube in business/education
• Collaboration and Knowledge Management using Web 2.0 in business/education
• Mashups based inter-organisational collaborative services
• Semantic web applications and developments
• The future of Virtual Learning Environments
• The future of the “university lecture”

Important Dates

Manuscripts must be submitted to the guest editors, no later than September 21st, 2012
Guest Editors

Professor Ray Hackney
Professor of Business Systems
Brunel Business School
Brunel University
Middlesex, UB8 3PH

Dr. Chris Evans
Senior Lecturer
Brunel Business School
Brunel University
Middlesex, UB8 3PH

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Call For Papers: 9th Conference on Applications of Social Network Analysis (ASNA 2012)

Applications of Social Network Analysis
ASNA 2012 – September 4-7, University of Zurich & ETH Zurich

Call for Papers
The goal at the 9th conference on Applications of Social Network Analysis is to
assess and discuss current developments in social network research. As in
previous years, ASNA 2012 will primarily provide an interdisciplinary platform
with a focus on applications of social network analysis. However, submissions
on theoretical and methodological issues are also welcome. There are no
limitations with respect to scientific disciplines and research questions. ASNA
2012 will take place in Zurich, Switzerland, September 4-7, 2012.

Submission and Presentation
ASNA 2012 accepts two different kinds of submission types. The two formats
differ with respect to submission criteria, presentation and discussion time, and
consideration for publication. Both types require the submission of an extended
abstract (700-1’000 words) by June 1, and receive notice of acceptance by
June 15, 2012. If you submit a full paper (15-30 pages, double spaced) you will
automatically be assigned a full paper presentation. You will benefit from a
longer presentation time (20 min), discussion by a respondent (5 min) and an
extended timeslot for discussion in the panel (5 min), i.e. a total time of 30
minutes. Only full papers presented at the conference will be considered for
publication in the reviewed conference proceedings (Procedia – Social and
Behavioral Sciences, by Elsevier).

Standard presentation Full paper presentation
Submission (with EasyChair)

Extended abstract of 700-1’000 words: 1 March – 1 June 2012
Notice of acceptance June 15, 2012

Full paper submission – July 31, 2010

Timeslot presentation 15 min (only presentation) / 30 min (full Paper)

About ASNA
Information about ASNA 2012 can be found on our website ( and
Facebook (
Contact: info [at]

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Call For Papers: Third Int. Workshop on Security and Privacy in Social Networks 2012 (SPSN 2012)

SPSN 2012: Third Int. Workshop on Security and Privacy in Social Networks 2012

In conjunction with IEEE Conference on Social Computing 3\6 September 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The workshop aims to bring to the forefront innovative approaches for analyzing and enhancing the security and privacy dimensions in online social networks. In order to facilitate the transition of such methods from theory to mechanisms designed and deployed in existing online social networking services, we need to create a common language between the researchers and practitioners of this new area, spanning from the theory of computational social sciences to conventional security and network engineering.


The guiding goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners who deal with the design and analysis of online social networking side by side with those who design security and privacy protocols, in order to:

1. Survey and discuss the current state of research that deals with security and privacy in social networks.
2. Create a community of researchers and practitioners who are interested in enabling current social networks to incorporate dedicated security methods.
3. Create new opportunities and set the ground for future collaboration between participants, generating insights that can be carried forward into future work.
4. Foster creativity and imagine the underlying technological changes in the way we network and communicate that will take place over the next 5-10 years.


Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are not being considered in another forum. We welcome work in progress in addition to more mature work. Submission could be made in the form of either
A short position paper of up to 4 proceedings pages in length.
A full-length technical paper of up to 8 proceedings pages in length.

Submission must be in PDF format, in accordance with the IEEE conference paper style (

Submissions should be done via the submissions website at

All submitted papers will be reviewed and judged on originality, technical correctness, relevance, and quality of presentation by the Technical Program Committee.

Should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors must attend the workshop to present the work in order for the paper to be published by IEEE and included in the IEEE Digital Library.

Accepted papers will be included in the workshop’s proceedings. The organizers intend to publish extended versions of selected papers as a handbook on the topic of security and privacy in social networks.


The proposed topics for the workshop include but are not limited to the following:

Malware propagation in social networks
Information leakage via social networks
Social currency mechanisms, potential and risks
Privacy management in social networks – access controls, permissions
Stealing Reality (malicious application of Reality Mining)
Identity theft in social networks
Collaborative detection of distributed network attacks
Peer-to-peer based security mechanisms
Trust and reputation in social networks
Socially inspired network security architectures
Socially aware network security protocols
Security configuration based on social contexts groups (social-firewall, authentication protocols, etc.)
Configuring security protocol parameters based on social information
Privacy-preserving methods for data access and data mining.

Important Dates
Paper Submission: 26 May 2012
Authors Notification: 3 July 2012
Final Manuscript: 18 July 2012
Workshop Date: 3-6 September 2012

Organizing Committee

Yuval Elovici, Telekom Innovation Laboratories at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Yaniv Altshuler, MIT Media Lab
Alex (“Sandy”) Pentland, MIT Media Lab
Armin Cremers, University of Bonn

Technical Program Committee

Bruno Lepri, MIT / FBK, Trento, Italy
Christian Bauckhage, Fraunhofer Institute
V.S Subrahmanian, University of Maryland
Rami Puzis, University of Maryland
Max Little, MIT / Oxford University
Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye, MIT
Arie Matsliah, IBM Research
Manuel Cebrian, UCSD
Wei Pan, MIT
Muli Ben-Yehuda, Technion and IBM Research
Jean-Pierre Seifert, Technical University of Berlin
Bernhard Loehlein, Deutsche Telekom

Dr. Yaniv Altshuler
MIT Media Lab
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 20 Ames Street, E15-388, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

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Call For Papers: IJWS special issue on Social Web Search and Mining (IJWS-SI-SWSM 2012)

International Journal of Web Science (IJWS) Special Issue on Social Web Search and Mining

Main submission deadline: June 1st, 2012 (deadline extended)


Recent years have seen a flourishing of social media. Across the world, individuals can share news, opinions, experiences and expertise through Web-enabled devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets and mobile phones. There has been a fundamental shift thanks to significant advances in the ease of publishing and sharing content. Such examples include microblogs, blogs, bookmarking services, photo sharing platforms, forums, newsgroups, and location-based services. They have formed a new Web: social Web, which generates a lot of structured and semi-structured information. This information greatly enlarges the content of the Web. At the same time, it introduces many interesting research issues as well many real-world applications. These research issues have been receiving growing attentions in recent years.

The aim of this special issue is to collect contemporary works concerning searching and mining the Social Web. The context of the special issue can be related to a wide range of areas including Web mining, social networks analysis, semantic Web, information retrieval, and natural language processing. We invite researchers and professionals from a broad range of disciplines to submit to this issue. Papers may encompass any or all of the following types of works: theoretical analysis, modelling, algorithms, simulation, visualisation and empirical studies.


Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

* Microblog (e.g. Twitter, Weibo) search and mining
* Social network analysis
* Community detection and network evolution analysis
* Personalisation for search and for social interaction
* User profiling and recommender systems
* Collaborative search and question answering
* Sentiment analysis and opinion mining
* Topic detection and topic trend analysis
* User behaviour prediction
* Real-time social search and mining infrastructures
* Cross-media search and mining of user-generated content
* Entity search (e.g. expert finding, product search, organisation search, etc.)
* Semantic Web-based social applications
* Computational advertising for user-generated content
* Spam detection and anomaly detection of social media
* Geospatial and temporal analysis of social media
* Applications of social search and mining


Yi Fang ( and Zenglin Xu (, Purdue University, USA
Jiang Bian ( and Ziad Al Bawab (, Yahoo! Labs, USA


Submission deadline: 1 June, 2012

Notification date: 15 July, 2012

Final paper submission: 15 August, 2012


Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. (N.B. Conference papers may only be submitted if the paper was not originally copyrighted and if it has been completely re-written).
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guideline page:

All papers must be submitted online. To submit a paper, please go to Online Submissions of Papers: If you experience any problems submitting your paper online, please contact or the Guest Editors, describing the exact problem you experience. (Please include in your email the title of the Special Issue, the title of the Journal and the names of the Guest Editors)


IJWS is a newly launched refereed scientific international journal. IJWS aims to improve the state-of-the-art of worldwide research in the areas of web theories, services, applications and standards by publishing high-quality papers in this area. IIJWS is committed to deepening the understanding of enabling theories and technologies for applying and developing the web as a global information repository.

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Call for Chapter Proposals: International Journal of Web Science (IJWS) Special Issue on Social Web Search and Mining (SocialWeb 2012)

International Journal of Web Science (IJWS) Special Issue on Social
Web Search and Mining

Main submission deadline: June 1st, 2012


Recent years have seen a flourishing of social media. Across the world, individuals can share news, opinions, experiences and expertise through Web-enabled devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets and mobile phones. There has been a fundamental shift thanks to significant advances in the ease of publishing and sharing content. Such examples include microblogs, blogs, bookmarking services, photo sharing platforms, forums, newsgroups, and location-based services. They have formed a new Web: social Web, which generates a lot of structured and semi-structured information. This information greatly enlarges the content of the Web. At the same time, it introduces many interesting research issues as well many real-world applications. These research issues have been receiving growing attentions in recent years.

The aim of this special issue is to collect contemporary works concerning searching and mining the Social Web. The context of the special issue can be related to a wide range of areas including Web mining, social networks analysis, semantic Web, information retrieval, and natural language processing. We invite researchers and professionals from a broad range of disciplines to submit to this issue. Papers may encompass any or all of the following types of works: theoretical analysis, modelling, algorithms, simulation, visualisation and empirical studies.


Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Microblog (e.g. Twitter, Weibo) search and mining
Social network analysis
Community detection and network evolution analysis
Personalisation for search and for social interaction
User profiling and recommender systems
Collaborative search and question answering
Sentiment analysis and opinion mining
Topic detection and topic trend analysis
User behaviour prediction
Real-time social search and mining infrastructures
Cross-media search and mining of user-generated content
Entity search (e.g. expert finding, product search, organisation search, etc.)
Semantic Web-based social applications
Computational advertising for user-generated content
Spam detection and anomaly detection of social media
Geospatial and temporal analysis of social media
Applications of social search and mining


Yi Fang ( and Zenglin Xu (,
Purdue University, USA
Jiang Bian ( and Ziad Al Bawab
(, Yahoo! Labs, USA


Submission deadline: 1 June, 2012

Notification date: 15 July, 2012

Final paper submission: 15 August, 2012


Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be
currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. (N.B.
Conference papers may only be submitted if the paper was not
originally copyrighted and if it has been completely re-written).
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for
authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting
papers are available on the Author Guideline page:

All papers must be submitted online. To submit a paper, please go to
Online Submissions of Papers: If you
experience any problems submitting your paper online, please contact or the Guest Editors, describing the
exact problem you experience. (Please include in your email the title
of the Special Issue, the title of the Journal and the names of the
Guest Editors)


IJWS is a newly launched refereed scientific international journal.
IJWS aims to improve the state-of-the-art of worldwide research in the
areas of web theories, services, applications and standards by
publishing high-quality papers in this area. IIJWS is committed to
deepening the understanding of enabling theories and technologies for
applying and developing the web as a global information repository.

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Call for Chapter Proposals: Power of Prediction with Social Media 2012 : Special issue of Internet Research on ‘The Power of Prediction with Social Media’ (SIIRPPSM12)

Special issue on “The Power of Prediction with Social Media”

Special issue call for papers from Internet Research, ISSN: 1066-2243
Editor in Chief: Jim Jansen

Social media today provide an impressive amount of data about users and their societal interactions, thereby offering computer scientists, social scientists, economists, and statisticians many new opportunities for research exploration. Arguably one of the most interesting lines of work is that of forecasting future events and developments based on social media data, as we have recently seen in the areas of politics, finance, entertainment, market demands, health, etc.

But what can successfully be predicted and why? Since the first algorithms and techniques emerged rather recently, little is known about their overall potential, limitations and general applicability to different domains.

Better understanding the predictive power and limitations of social media is therefore of utmost importance, in order to –for example– avoid false expectations, misinformation or unintended consequences. Today, current methods and techniques are far from being well understood, and it is mostly unclear to what extent or under what conditions the different methods for prediction can be applied to social media. While there exists a respectable and growing amount of literature in this area, current work is fragmented, characterized by a lack of common evaluation approaches. Yet, this research seems to have reached a sufficient level of interest and relevance to justify a dedicated special issue.

This special issue aims to shape a vision of important questions to be addressed in this field and fill the gaps in current research by soliciting presentations of early research on algorithms, techniques, methods and empirical studies aimed at the prediction of future or present events based on user generated content in social media.

To address this guiding theme the special issue will be articulated around, but not limited to, the following topics:

1. Politics, branding, and public opinion mining (e.g., electoral, market or stock market prediction).

2. Health, mood, and threats (e.g., epidemic outbreaks, social movements).

3. Methodological aspects (e.g., data collection, data sampling, privacy and data de-identification).

4. Success and failure case studies (e.g., reproducibility of previous research or selection of baselines).

– Manuscript due date: June 1, 2012
– Decisions due: August 1, 2012
– Revised paper due: September 15, 2012
– Notification of acceptance: October 1, 2012
– Submission of final manuscript: October 31, 2012
– Publication date: late 2012 / early 2013 (tentative)

All submitted manuscripts should be original contributions and not be under consideration in any other venue.

Publication of an enhanced version of a previously published conference paper is possible if the review process determines that the revision contains significant enhancements, amplification or clarification of the original material. Any prior appearance of a substantial amount of a submission should be noted in the submission letter and on the title page.

Submissions must adhere to the “Author Guidelines” available at:

Detailed instructions will be announced later this year.

Guest editors
– Daniel Gayo-Avello, University of Oviedo (Spain),
– Panagiotis Takis Metaxas, Wellesley College and Harvard University (USA),
– Eni Mustafaraj, Wellesley College (USA),
– Markus Strohmaier, Graz University of Technology (Austria),
– Harald Schoen, University of Bamberg (Germany),
– Peter Gloor, MIT (USA),

Feel free to contact the guest editors if you have any question.

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